
When our churches are closed, the PGS is an easy to use alternative to help you continue to give to your parish.

How does the PGS work?

You give your regular donations to your church via the PGS by Direct Debit on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis on the first day of the month. Your full gift and any associated Gift Aid are automatically credited to your church in the same month.

Signing up by phone could not have been easier. I was able to change the way I give during lockdown to support my church.

Sue, Parishioner

At any time, you can change or cancel the amount through your online account or by telephoning PGS.
You can choose to inflation-proof your gift which will make a huge difference to your church’s finances. Our church, like every household, is hit by inflation. If your giving does not keep pace with the increasing costs, then it becomes worth less over time.

The PGS tackles this by enabling you to choose the popular option and increase your giving annually in line with inflation. You simply tick the necessary box on the gift form, or agree on the phone, to authorise an inflationary increase. The PGS will send you an annual inflationary letter, keeping you in total control.

Why give in a new way?

Churches rely on congregation’s regular gifts. Giving by individuals is essential to enable our churches to share God’s love and serve their communities.

Resources for donors

There are many resources available to help parishioners learn more about the PGS.

If you have any further questions, contact Gabby or Clare on [email protected].

If you would like to set up your giving through the PGS, you first need the relevant information regarding your parish’s PGS account. Once you know your parish’s PGS code and name, you can set up your giving through the PGS website, the telephone service or get a gift form from your parish’s website to send via post.

You can also choose to give anonymously, and your church will be notified only of the amount of your gift.

PGS Telephone Service

There is a dedicated phone line for prospective donors to set up regular payments through PGS. Lines are open Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm, call 0333 002 1271.

You will need:

  • your bank account details
  • your church/parish name
  • the PGS number for your parish.

If you are eligible, you will be able to Gift Aid your donation.

Making changes to your PGS account

If you currently donate through the PGS and wish to review your giving or have another enquiry, please contact the PGS team directly by e-mailing [email protected], calling 0333 002 1260, or alternatively write to:
Parish Giving Scheme
76 Kingsholm Road

In all correspondence, please provide your PGS reference number (found under the address on any written correspondence from the PGS team).

The South London Church Fund and Southwark Diocese Board of Finance is a company limited by guarantee (No. 236594).
Registered Office: Trinity House, 4 Chapel Court, Borough High Street, London SE1 1HW. Registered Charity: (No. 249678).

© The Diocese of Southwark 2025. All rights reserved.
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