The Diocesan Synod
The Diocesan Synod
Diocesan Synod is our primary elected, representative body and brings people together from across the Diocese. It considers resources, holds vision, drives mission, sets strategy and shapes priorities. It may respond to questions put to it by the General Synod. It is an advisory and deliberative body. It is not an executive body.
If the Diocesan Synod is carrying out its primary purpose, it debates the vision and sets the strategy and priorities, which the Diocesan Council of Trustees will take further. Diocesan Synod considers the Diocesan budget, which does not become the budget without Synod’s acceptance; it receives and adopts the Diocesan accounts.
The Diocesan Synod is made up from elected and ex-officio representatives of clergy, and lay people in the Diocese, which meets together with the Bishops, Archdeacons and other senior post holders in the Diocese to discuss matters of concern to the Diocese.
The formal rules governing the Diocesan Synod and other church structures can be in the Church Representation Rules & Synodical Government Measure.
Dates for upcoming Diocesan Synods are:
- 11 March (10am-3pm)
- 12 July (6pm-9pm)
- 18 November (10am-3pm)
- 16 March (10am-3pm)
- 17 July (6pm-9pm)
- 16 November (10am-3pm)
Diocesan Synod Membership
A full list of membership of the Diocesan Synod can be obtained from the Assistant Secretary (and here).
The Bishop of the Diocese
(Presidential Addresses from previous Diocesan Synods can be found here)
The Revd Lotwina Farodoye (Chair of the House of Clergy)
Mr Adrian Greenwood (Chair of the House of Laity)
The Diocesan Secretary from whom information and a full list of members may be obtained.
Assistant Secretary:
The Assistant Secretary is the day-to-day contact on all governance matters.
Papers for 17 July 2024
Papers from previous meetings can be found here
DS(23)A2 – Wednesday 17 July – Agenda
Download FileDS(24)17 – Handbook of Governance Combined
Download FileDS(24)18 – Constitution & Standing Orders Combined
Download FileDS(24)25 Questions Notice Paper
Download FileDS(24)25 Questions Notice Paper – with supplementaries
Download FileDS(24) Synod Summary
Download FileHandbook of Governance (Pending Approval)
Appendix A Background to the Handbook 2018-2024 Triennium Edition
Appendix B Articles of Association (2017)
Appendix C Memorandum of Understanding (2017)
Appendix D Organisation Chart
Appendix E Briefing for Chairs of DCT Committees
Appendix F Deanery Model Rules (2023-2026)
Appendix G Code of Conduct for Synod, Trustee, and Committee Members
Appendix H Diocese of Southwark Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel Terms of Reference
Appendix I Southwark Diocesan Advisory Committee Constitution
Appendix J Southwark Vision 2024-2035
Appendix K List of Acronyms
Appendix L Constitution and Standing Orders of Diocesan Synod (2024)
Appendix M Ethical Practices and Declaration of Eligibility, Responsibility, and Conflicts of Interest
Appendix N Role Description of the Diocesan Secretary
Appendix O Anti-Racism Charter
Appendix P Charity Governance Code for Larger Charities
Appendix Q Diocesan Board of Education Scheme
Appendix R Multi Academy Trust Articles of Association
The Diocesan Synod normally meets three times per year. The dates for the current Triennium are:
- Saturday 16 November 2024 10am-4pm – St Peter’s Battersea
- Saturday 22 March 2025
- Thursday 10 July 2025
- Saturday 15 November
- Saturday 14 March 2026
- Wednesday 8 July 2026
- Saturday 14 November 2026
- Saturday 13 March 2027
- Wednesday 07 July 2027
- Saturday 20 November 2027
The General Synod
The General Synod
The General Synod is the national assembly of the Church of England. It came into being in 1970 under the Synodical Government Measure 1969, replacing an earlier body known as the Church Assembly.
The General Synod considers and approves legislation affecting the whole of the Church of England, formulates new forms of worship, debates matters of national and international importance, and approves the annual budget for the work of the Church at national level.
Hustings Policy Approved May 2024
Download FileRepresentatives in General Synod from the Diocese of Southwark
Bishop Christopher
The Revd Dr Charlie Bell
The Revd Mae Christie
The Venerable Alastair Cutting
The Revd Nicholas Lebey
The Revd Jonathan Macy
The Revd Andrew Moughtin-Mumby
The Revd Jago Wynne
Co-Opted Clergy
The Revd Aneal Appadoo
The Revd Sandra Schloss
Mrs Helen Ainsworth
Mrs Rebecca Chapman
Mr Adrian Greenwood
Mr Carl Hughes
Mr Matthew Parkes
Mr Paul Waddell
Miss Rosemary Wilson
Ex-Officio Laity
Diocesan Council of Trustees
Diocesan Council of Trustees
The Diocesan Council of Trustees holds, through its four constituent bodies, responsibility for the policy, financial and pastoral decisions necessary to implement the vision and strategy of Diocesan Synod.
The four constituent bodies of the Diocesan Council of Trustees are:
- the Bishop’s Council
- the Diocesan Board of Finance
- the Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee
- the Diocesan Parsonages Board
More Information
The Handbook of Governance sets out the Terms of Reference and constitutions for many of the Diocese’s governing bodies and committees, including the Diocesan Council of Trustees and its sub-committees.
These remain legally distinct bodies with identical membership. Their meetings are normally distinct but not separate.
All members, whether elected or nominated, of the Diocesan Council of Trustees are full voting members of all its constituent bodies. They engage in debate and decision from the perspective of all these bodies.
As members of the Diocesan Board of Finance, members are also Directors and Trustees. Members of the Diocesan Council of Trustees therefore have all the usual responsibilities of trustees.
As Trustees, members take responsibility for timely, accurate and local communication. They are expected to consult with and to report to deaneries and parishes by means of whose election they become members.
The Diocesan Council of Trustees normally meets five times per year. The dates for the current Triennium are:
- Saturday 12 October – 10am – 4pm Trinity House
- Wednesday 04 December – 6pm-8pm Trinity House
- Monday 17 February
- Thursday 15 May
- Wednesday 16 July
- Thursday 16 October
- Thursday 11 December
- Thursday 26 February
- Thursday 21 May
- Thursday 16 July
- Thursday 22 October
- Thursday 10 December
- Thursday 25 February
- Thursday 20 May
- Thursday 15 July
- Thursday 21 October
- Thursday 9 December
- The Bishop of Southwark
- The Bishops of Croydon, Kingston, and Woolwich
- The Archdeacons
- Chair of the House of Laity
- Chair of the House of Clergy
- Chair and Vice Chair of the Diocesan Board of Finance
Elected members:
Croydon Area
- The Revd Justine Middlemiss
- The Revd Fiona Weaver
- Mr Alex Helliwell
- Mrs April Alexander
- Mr Joseph Goswell
Kingston Area
- The Revd Greg Prior
- The Revd Michael John
- Mrs Rebecca Chapman
- Miss Rosemary Wilson
- Miss Vasantha Gnanadoss
Woolwich Area
- The Revd Dr Eddie Scrase-Field
- The Revd Jonathan Macy
- Miss Solabomi Ogun
- Mrs Despina Francois
- (Lay Vacancy)
Elected members from across the Diocese
- Miss Sola Oyeleye
- (Lay Vacancy)
- (Lay Vacancy)
Elected members with particular experience
- Mr Nick Stansbury (Member of the Investment Committee)
- Miss Gill Reynolds (Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee)
- Dr Nicholas Burt (Chair of the Policy and Finance Committee)
- Mr Alan Saunders (Chair of the Investment Committee)
- Mr Michael Hartley
- (Vacancy)
Bishop’s Nominees:
- (Vacancy)
- (Vacancy)
- (Lay Vacancy)
- (Lay Vacancy)
Sub Committees
Audit and Risk Committee
Chair: Gill Reynolds
Secretary: The Diocesan Secretary
The Audit Committee has a wide remit. It has authority from the Diocesan Council of Trustees (Diocesan Board of Finance) to:
- investigate any activity
- seek any information that it requires from any employee of the Board; all employees are directed to co-operate with any request made
- inquire as to the numbers of committee meetings, cancellations of meetings and additional meetings of Diocesan governance bodies throughout the year, as well as to note the number of non-governance meetings
- obtain outside professional advice as deemed necessary; such advisors may attend meetings as invited
- support the Diocesan Council of Trustees (Diocesan Board of Finance) in overseeing all issues of financial probity
- support the Diocesan Council of Trustees (Bishop’s Council, Diocesan Board of Finance) in scrutinising the ongoing suitability of governance.
Frequency of meetings
The Audit and Risk Committee shall meet least four times a year but the chair may determine that there should be more meetings in any one year.
At least two members of the Diocesan Council of Trustees but not the Chair or Vice-Chair of the Diocesan Board of Finance.
Audit and Risk Committee Meetings
The Audit & Risk Committee normally meets four times per year. The dates for the current Triennium are:
- Thursday 23 January
- Thursday 24 April
- Thursday 19 June
- Thursday 6 November
- Thursday 22 January
- Thursday 23 April
- Thursday 11 June
- Thursday 5 Novemer
- Thursday 21 January
- Thursday 22 April
- Thursday 17 June
Policy and Finance Committee
Chair: Dr Nicholas Burt
Secretary: The Diocesan Secretary
The Policy and Finance Committee is the standing committee of the Diocesan Trustee Body (which receives its minutes) and is responsible for its agenda.
The Policy and Finance Committee makes recommendations for policy in line with strategy. It resources the Diocesan Council of Trustees for good decision-making. It supports the Diocesan Council of Trustees (Bishop’s Council) in its work as the standing committee of the Diocesan Synod. It advises the Diocesan Council of Trustees on how proposals for the use of Synod’s resources can make effective progress. It advises and guides management in the work of Diocesan administration, scrutinising the draft budget and acting as the stipends committee.
The committee holds the work of the Diocesan Secretary and, through the Diocesan Secretary, Diocesan officers to account. Heads of Department and Executive Officers may be asked to attend by the Chair for the purpose of scrutiny and accountability. [1]
It may appoint working groups to support its work. These shall be limited to one year but after review and on the approval of the Audit and Risk Committee may be extended for up to three years with a review also at the end of the second year. Its secretary is the Diocesan Secretary who attends all meetings.
Frequency of meetings
The Committee normally meets six times a year.
(1) Including the Deputy Diocesan Secretary, Diocesan Surveyor, Directors of Communications, Training, Vocations, Mission, Head of Office Support Services; Archdeacons and others with line management responsibilities.
Policy and Finance Committee Meetings
The Policy and Finance Committee normally meets four times per year. The dates for the current Triennium are:
- Tuesday 26 November – 6pm – 8pm Trinity House
- Thursday 6 February
- Thursday 1 May
- Monday 22 Septmeber
- Thursday 27 November
- Thursday 5 February
- Thursday 7 May
- Wednesday 16 September
- Thursday 26 November
- Wednesday 3 February
- Thursday 6 May
- Thursday 16 Septemebr
- Thursday 25 November
Investment Sub-Committee
This is a sub-committee of the Policy and Finance Committee
Chair: Mr Alan Saunders
Secretary: The Diocesan Secretary
- To advise the Diocesan Council of Trustees (Diocesan Board of Finance,) directly or through the Policy and Finance Committee, on investment policies, management of the Glebe, and alternative investment proposals
- To implement such policies on behalf of the Policy and Finance Committee and actively monitor their effectiveness
- To determine the optimal means of realising such incomes as are required by the agreed Diocesan budget, and advise the Budget Committee as appropriate
- To review the performance of investment managers, comparing performance achieved with relevant indices and make appropriate decisions concerning appointing and removing managers in line with Diocesan policy and committee purpose
- To review asset allocation and make recommendations to the Policy and Finance Committee concerning any changes to the statement of investment principles
- To recommend the selection of relevant and current professional advisers, notably in relation to the Glebe and Investment management
- To initiate proposals, within the sphere of this committee, aimed at optimising the financial effectiveness of the Diocese, including the investment of any surplus funds available for investment
- To undertake, on behalf of the Policy and Finance Committee, other appropriate functions as required by the Glebe and Endowments Measure 1976 and successor legislation.
Frequency of meetings
The Committee will meet at least once a quarter.
The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Finance Committee (although not as Chair), one Archdeacon, and up to six further members with relevant experience.
Remuneration Sub-Committee
This is a sub-committee of the Policy and Finance Committee
Chair: The Diocesan Bishop
Secretary: The Diocesan Secretary
The sub-committee shall, on receipt of appropriate recommendations from the Diocesan Secretary:
- review and agree the remuneration for Diocesan Secretary, and other senior employees
- agree any changes carrying a material financial implication to employment policies
- scrutinise and approve the Diocesan expenses policy prepared by the Diocesan Secretary.
Frequency of meetings
The Remuneration Committee shall meet annually.
Other Committees Relating to the Diocese
Vacancy-in-See Committee
The Vacancy-in-See (ViS) Committee is one of the committees which requires election following triennial Diocesan Synod elections, by the Diocesan Synod. It is established, in the event that there is a vacancy in the role of Diocesan Bishop, to act as Diocesan representatives and provide key roles in the selection of a new bishop. It is a statutory committee and is not intended to be used or meet unless there is a vacancy.
If needed, the Committee prepare a brief description of the diocese and a statement setting out the desired profile of the new Bishop and elect the diocesan representatives to the Crown Nominations Commission. The Committee will meet at least twice during a vacancy and its Code of Practice and regulations can be found here.
The Bishop of Woolwich (sit vacant)
The Rt Revd Dr Martin Gainsborough
The Rt Revd Dr Rosemarie Mallett
Elected Archdeacons
The Venerable Jonathan M W Sedgwick
The Venerable John Kiddle
Chairs of the House of Laity & Clergy
Adrian Greenwood
The Revd Lotwina Farodoye
Elected Proctors in Convocation
The Venerable Alastair Cutting
The Revd Jonathan Macy
The Revd Andrew Moughtin-Mumby
The Revd Carol Bates
The Revd Jago Wynne
The Revd Canon Simon Butler
The Revd Mae Christie
The Revd Aneal Appadoo
The Revd Sandra Schloss
Elected Laity of the General Synod
Paul Waddell
Helen Ainsworth
Rebecca Chapman
Alianore Smith
Matthew Parkes
Rosemarie Wilson
Elected Clergy
The Revd Jamie Mulvaney
The Revd Antonio Fuerte
Elected Laity
Ruby Eggleston
Sonia Phippard
Christopher Elliott
Denise Gilmour
Miranda Okon
Ruth Inwood
Andrea Ruddick
Emily Fletcher
The Very Revd Dr Mark Oakley (Dean of Southwark)
Bishop’s Council Nominations
Solabumi Ogun
Sir Simon Hughes
The Revd Roxanne Hunte
The Revd Stanley Njoka
Board of Patronage
The Diocesan Board of Patronage (DPB) are called upon to consider any vacancy in a parish that occurs for a benefice whose patronage is in the hands of the DBP. Members may also be asked to consider proposals for pastoral re-organisation of a benefice whose patronage is in the hands of the DBP as, under the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011, the patrons are one of the ‘interested parties’.
The Bishop of Southwark
Elected Clergy
Revd Raymond Baudon
Revd Philippa Boardman
The Revd Adam Rylett
Elected Laity
Chris Elliott (Chair)
April Alexander
Neal Harvey
David Beamish
Ben Sherwood
Additional roles to be included for any business in each Archdeaconry in which the benefice sits are the Archdeacon, Area Dean and Deanery Lay Chair.