
There has been a Bishop of Croydon since 1904. There are two Archdeaconries; Croydon and Reigate. The Area Office is temporarily located close to South Croydon Station. The office is staffed by the Bishop, two Archdeacons and two PAs.

The Croydon area covers the boroughs of Croydon, Sutton, and the district of Tandridge, the vast majority of Reigate and Banstead district, and parts of the borough of Bromley and Mole Valley District. It stretches from Upper Norwood in the north to Gatwick in the south, and from West Wickham in the east to Worcester Park in the west.

It is geographically the largest of the three Areas – two-thirds of Southwark’s total area. It extends from areas of significant ethnic and social diversity in the north of Croydon and Sutton, through the rapidly evolving landscape of suburbia and into the countryside, country towns and urban overspill of Surrey.

Croydon includes some of the most prosperous places in the country and places of real poverty and hardship. Neither of these are always where one might expect to find them: the food bank in Redhill meets an urgent need, while parts of Upper Norwood are becoming rapidly more prosperous.

The Area has a strong link with the Diocese of Central Zimbabwe and many parishes commit to home and overseas mission projects over and above their financial commitment to the Diocese, which is strong. Mutual visits are regular, and there is a strong link committee with members in both Dioceses working together to ensure that this is a relationship of mutual flourishing in prayer and shared mission, and not a one-way street of financial contributions.

Other Area contacts

Area Officers

Area Ecumenical Adviser: The Venerable Moira Astin

Area Environmental Adviser: The Revd Dr Timothy Astin

Area Interfaith Adviser: The Revd Alan Bayes

Area Parish Ministry Development Adviser: Vacant

Area Officer for Lay Mission and Ministry: Vacant

Area Directors of IME: The Revd Jon Ward
and The Revd Samuel Dennis

Area Warden of Readers: Lindsay Ould, (M) 07592 993326

Archdeaconry SPAs
Croydon: Penny Seabrook
Reigate: Paul Budgen, (M) 07904 460049

Mothers’ Union: Sally Steele, (M) 07749 714946

Pastoral Care Adviser: The Revd Michael Elfred

Women’s Ministry Adviser: The Revd Esther Foss

Area Children and Young People Adviser:  The Revd Ruth Chapman

Croydon Minority Ethnic Anglican Concerns Concerns (CMEACC)

When the Diocesan Minority Ethnic Anglican Concerns Committee was established it was determined that issues affecting race relations at Episcopal Area level were vitally important and that a local presence should be maintained. The Croydon Area responded to this challenge by launching Croydon MEAC.


The Revd Cordella Dawson

Zimbabwe Link

The Croydon Episcopal Area is linked with the Diocese of Central Zimbabwe. The Croydon-Zimbabwe Link Working Group supports the Diocese in prayer, with visits and practically in financing and encouraging projects. Parish-to-parish links now exist and there is a new parallel Link Group in Gweru.


The Ven Moira Astin

Croydon Archdeaconry

Croydon Addington Deanery

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Croydon Central Deanery

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Croydon North Deanery

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Croydon South Deanery

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Reigate Archdeaconry

Reigate Deanery

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Sutton Deanery

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Tandridge Deanery

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The South London Church Fund and Southwark Diocese Board of Finance is a company limited by guarantee (No. 236594).
Registered Office: Trinity House, 4 Chapel Court, Borough High Street, London SE1 1HW. Registered Charity: (No. 249678).

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