
Parishes within the Diocese of Southwark needing to place a Public Notice on this page should e-mail details to the DAC Secretary.

This page was last updated on Wednesday 7th June 2023.

The Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) has issued formal advice in respect of the proposed works detailed below. The applicants in each case will now petition the Consistory Court of the Diocese for a faculty to obtain permission to carry out works. NB Applications displayed on this page will relate to proposals deemed to fall under rule 9.9, principally for alterations (which may include demolition or extension) affecting listed church buildings.

To comply with the Faculty Jurisdiction Rules, Public Notice of these applications will be displayed on the list shown on this web page, for no less than 28 days. At the same time, a Public Notice will be displayed for a continuous period of at least 28 days at the relevant church building.

Any interested person may seek further details of the application, including supporting documents (such as drawings and specifications) by consulting the Public Notices web page of the Online Faculty System and searching for a specific application or browsing through the list.

Please note that the Online Faculty System includes applications for many Dioceses within the Church of England; enquirers may wish to filter the list to search only for Southwark Diocese applications.

If you wish to object to the proposed works for any of the applications, please direct your written objection to the Diocesan Registrar (by e-mail to [email protected] OR by post to Southwark Diocesan Registry, Minerva House, 5 Montague Close, London SE1 9BB).

Objections must reach the Registrar on or before the deadline stated on the Public Notice for that specific application as shown on the Online Faculty System. A letter (by e-mail or post) must include your name and address, and state whether you live in the parish and/or whether your name is entered on the church electoral roll of the parish or any other basis on which you seek to object.

Applications under rule 9.9: principally for alterations (which may include demolition or extension) affecting listed church buildings

Church of Kennington Cross: St Anselm

Works or Proposals:-

Alterations to the church, summarised as follows: reordering of the Chancel including internal full-height subdivision (to provide facilities); reordering of the Nave; remodelling of the entrance access and facilities at the (liturgical) West end of the building; new kiosk annexe; minor external re-landscaping of the church curtilage.
In more detail, the works principally comprise:
A new multi-storey tower structure internally within the liturgical east end of the church (to contain ancillary facilities such as meeting-room spaces, offices, kitchen and WCs, with connecting staircase and lift), with associated new fenestration to the South and North elevations of the church and new rooflights to main and South side-aisle roofs; new entrance doorways to the North, South and (liturgical) East elevations, including a new street-facing entrance from Sancroft Street;
Removal and storage/disposal of the existing Sanctuary Baldacchino; Removal and relocation/repurposing onsite of the Sanctuary altar-rails;
Removal and storage of mural artworks from their current positions mounted on the North and South walls of the Nave;
Refurbishment of the interior of the remainder of the church (Nave, side-aisles, and residual Sanctuary area) including removal of existing (modern) internal aisle-partitions; new flooring; new internal storage and ‘plant’ areas; upgraded/replacement heating, lighting, PA/AV and other building-services systems; relocation of the font; internal redecoration; new furnishings (fixtures/fittings/furniture) for the church interior, to include Nave congregational and new liturgical items (stoop, and votive candlestand);
Replacement of existing hipped roof above South aisle corridor and plant area, and its replacement with a new flat roof in order to support a ‘plant’ enclosure above (including any acoustic mitigations).
Reconfiguration of the (liturgical) West end Narthex and Organ Gallery, including removal of a staircase and installation of a WC and a kitchenette facility;
Construction of a new kiosk on the corner of Sancroft Street and Kennington Road, connected to the church building via a new doorway.
Alterations to the main Kennington Road entrance and its forecourt to provide step-free disabled access into the church.
All as described in the following documents: (A) Statement of Significance, by Dow Jones Architects (January 2021); (B) Design & Access Statement (incorporating Statement of Needs), by Dow Jones Architects (April 2022); (C) DAC Response Report, by Dow Jones Architects (Rev B, June 2022); (D) statement re Norman Adam Murals: Pilgrims Progress (Rev B, June 2022), with accompanying documents: Emails regarding removal and reinstatement of Norman Adams Murals (September and October 2009), and ‘Norman Adams Murals: A summary of the commission’, by Pat Evemy (June 2008); (E) LB Lambeth’s Decision Notice for Planning Permission ref 21/01101/FUL dated 17.06.2021; (F) Sixty-one drawings from Dow Jones Architects issued April 2022 (fifty-six as listed in the Design & Access Statement, one further drawing re Floor Tile Setting Out ref 428-23-101, and four further drawings re Fire Compartmentation ref 428-68-100, 428-68-110, 428-68-120, and 428-68-130); (G) two emails from Assent Building Control Limited 29 April 2022 and 1 June 2022; (H) twelve Structural Engineering drawings from Momentum, ref 4423 dated 04-Apr-2022; (I) Drainage Summary Report ref 6299 from JPD Technical Services Ltd dated 19 November 2021, with accompanying documents: CCTV survey photos, defect summary sheets, and drawing ref 6299-1 dated Jan 2021; (J) two geotechnical reports from Ground & Water Ltd: Phase 1 Desk Study ref GWPR4524/DS/January 2022, and Phase 2 Site Investigation Report ref GWPR4524/SIR/February 2022; (K) three M+E Schedules from Collaborate + Create Ltd ref E-501-001, M-500-001 and M-500-002; (L) twelve M+E drawings from Collaborate + Create Ltd ref J200601 E[01]001-004, M[00]001-004, and M[01]001-004; (M) TM52 Thermal Comfort Calculations report (Rev02); and (N) two acoustic reports from ALN Acoustic Design Ltd dated 25th March 2022: Sound Insulation Assessment ref J497_R01A, and Nave Acoustics Assessment ref J497_R02A.

The South London Church Fund and Southwark Diocese Board of Finance is a company limited by guarantee (No. 236594).
Registered Office: Trinity House, 4 Chapel Court, Borough High Street, London SE1 1HW. Registered Charity: (No. 249678).

© The Diocese of Southwark 2025. All rights reserved.
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