
Church Army Evangelists come from all walks of life and traditions. What they share is a passion for evangelism and a desire to see communities and lives transformed by the love of Jesus.

Are you someone who:

  • loves God and loves people?
  • wants to see more people come to a living faith in Jesus Christ?
  • loves sharing their faith?
  • wants to be part of helping people and their communities be transformed by God’s love?

If the answer is yes, God might be calling you to ministry as an evangelist with the Church Army.

“We know that the good news of Jesus Christ is hope for every person and for the whole world.”

Archbishop Stephen Cottrell, Chair of the Church Army Board

Church Army Evangelists work in a wide range of situations, from a single local church to large projects supporting mission over a large area or diocese.  Here in Southwark Diocese, they work in some of the most deprived communities in the UK, where there are high levels of anxiety and depression. Their work includes:

  • running youth and children’s clubs
  • home visiting and mentoring
  • families work
  • holiday clubs and trips, and employment advice and training
  • specialist work with young offenders and those at risk of offending
  • an accessible Christian service for adults
  • a computer and games bus
  • work with local schools to help those struggling at school and at risk of exclusion.
  • relaxed Bible and prayer evenings for young people
  • a youth church led by young people

Any Christian with a passion for evangelism can join the Church Army Mission Community. For more information, do please contact them.

If you are aged 19-30, you might be interested in Xplore, a program for young adults, living missionally, in community, doing evangelism where you are.

What qualities should a Church Army Evangelist have?

Church Army Evangelists should have a passion for evangelism; a desire to see communities and lives transformed by the love of Jesus Christ; and a desire to implement the Church Army’s national ‘DARE strategy’:

  • doing evangelism: bringing people to a living faith in Jesus Christ throughout the British Isles and Ireland is at the heart of the work of a Church Army evangelist
  • advocating evangelism: Church Army evangelists are passionate about encouraging the wider Church to become more actively involved in evangelism
  • resourcing evangelism: the Church Army trains people, and helps them to be resourced to do what God has called them to do
  • enabling evangelism: the Church Army enables people to do evangelism in their own context by creating opportunities for them to join in what God is already doing.

What should I do if I believe that God is calling me to evangelistic  ministry through the Church Army?

First of all, speak to people you trust and who know you well, and listen to what they have to say. Make sure you speak to your parish priest or chaplain, as they will assist you in beginning to discern your sense of calling.

The Vocations team runs a number of events to help you explore your vocation. Please keep an eye on the What’s On page to find out more.

The Church Army also has events to help you explore your sense of calling. If you get in touch with them, they will arrange for you to meet with a local Church Army vocations team member, invite you to attend a Church Army Discovery Day event, and get in contact with our Vocations team so you can begin the discernment process here in Southwark.

Once you are ready to begin the formal process of discernment, your parish priest or chaplain can book you on a Vocations Forum.

Vocations Forums usually take place at Trinity House, near London Bridge, although during the Coronavirus pandemic they are being held online over Zoom.

At a Forum you will have an opportunity to talk and listen to others who also believe that God may be calling them, to reflect on what the Bible says about ministry and to think about your own journey of faith so far.

Your parish priest or chaplain can book you on a Vocations Forum by e-mailing Glynis Beazley, the Vocations Department Administrator (contact details below).

What’s next?

At the end of the Forum, you will be asked if you would like to continue to explore your vocation. If you decide to go ahead, you will be assigned a Vocations Advisor who will work with you in discerning your vocation further and make a recommendation as to whether you should proceed to selection.

The selection process

The Church Army will develop a candidate profile to build a picture of your evangelism, calling, experience, training and life. They will request and consider references and reports. During this time, they will support you and journey with you towards a potential discernment residential.

At the January discernment residential, you will explore your calling as an evangelist. Afterwards you may be sent on a placement to visit a Church Army project and/or asked to complete a written activity. You will also be asked to complete psychological and psychometric assessments.

At the May discernment residential, they will review your journey so far, reflecting on your personal faith development, how your vocation fits with Church Army, and your vocation to be a leader in pioneering situations. Together you will discern if training as a Church Army evangelist is the way forward for you.

What does Church Army training look like?

Church Army training is part-time, and consists of practical mission, training residentials, and reflective practice.

The seven areas of focus are:

  • the Christian faith
  • mission and evangelism
  • mission and evangelism in a pioneer context
  • creating and sustaining Christian community
  • contemporary culture and context
  • leadership and collaboration
  • the Church Army.

On completion of the training, evangelists-in-training will be awarded with a Church Army Commission and admitted to the office of Evangelist.

The South London Church Fund and Southwark Diocese Board of Finance is a company limited by guarantee (No. 236594).
Registered Office: Trinity House, 4 Chapel Court, Borough High Street, London SE1 1HW. Registered Charity: (No. 249678).

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