Midday prayers for the Diocese
Every day we are encouraged to remember those connected with Southwark Diocese Mothers’ Union in our prayers.
Download the 2025 Southwark Diocesan intercession calendar
Wave of Prayer
The Wave of Prayer is a continuous, daily commitment by Mothers’ Union members from around the world to pray for each other. It runs throughout the year so that the work and members of each and every area in which Mothers’ Union is active is prayed for at some point.
Southwark’s Wave of Prayer takes place from 31 August to 2 September each year, when our members pray for our Linked Dioceses: Harare in Zimbabwe, Machakos in Kenya, Ogori-Magongo in Nigeria, Ekiti in Nigeria and Phulbani in India.
Find out more about our Linked Dioceses.
Download the 2024 Wave of Prayer Service.
In addition, we have members who are responsible for keeping in touch with fellow members in each of our Links. Many branches also have their own worldwide links. We pray regularly for these members and their families. The information that we receive from our contacts enables us to pray for their special concerns and events.
Cathedral prayers
There is a service of prayer in the Harvard Chapel, Southwark Cathedral at 11.45 am on the fourth Wednesday of each month. We hope you can join us.
The Mothers' Union Prayer
Loving Lord
We thank you for your love so freely given to us all.
We pray for families around the world.
Bless the work of the Mothers’ Union
as we seek to share your love
through the encouragement, strengthening
and support of marriage and family life.
Empowered by your Spirit,
may we be united in prayer and worship,
and, in love and service, reach out
as your hands across the world.
In Jesus’ name.
Mary Sumner's personal prayer
All this day, O Lord
let me touch as many lives as possible for thee;
and every life I touch,
do thou by thy Spirit quicken,
whether through the word I speak,
the prayer I breathe,
or the life I live.
This prayer has been set to music by Rev’d Roger Hagon Vicar of St Mildred’s Addiscombe. Listen to it being sung by St Mildred’s Ladies choir.