Advent, a season of anticipation and hope, as Christians prepare for the birth of Christ. Although Advent is often associated with spiritual preparation, it should also be an opportunity to reflect on our giving and stewardship. Advent calls us to examine what we treasure and to direct our resources toward what matters most. The nativity story is steeped in generosity: wise men bearing gifts, and Mary and Joseph opening their lives to a divine call.

The Giving Team at Southwark have pulled together useful resources to share and encourage a spirit of generosity and gratitude as we move through Advent, inspiring us to embrace the spirit of giving as we prepare to celebrate the arrival of Jesus and the joy we share together at Christmas.

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”  Matthew 6:21

Personal Preparation for you and your family

As we frantically prepare our homes to welcome the guests we may be expecting, we should also prepare our hearts to celebrate the ultimate gift: the birth of Jesus.

It can be difficult today when the focus is on the event and the preparation to take time to reflect on how we share our resources, time, and talents with others. The Advent season reminds us that true giving is purposeful and reflects Christ’s love in our world. It is not just about personal reflection but about reaching out in generosity, echoing the selfless love of Christ.

The Church of England have an Advent campaign “Follow the Star, Calm and Bright” focusing on finding Calm in the busy period with reflections and prayer: Follow the Star: Calm and Bright | The Church of England

The Everyday Faith App Everyday Faith | The Church of England a daily devotional app from the Church of England offering inspiration and encouragement each day with daily reflections and prayers.

Teaching our children generosity and bringing them along with an “attitude of gratitude” can be hard when they’re focussed on the gifts they’re receiving. Here are suggestions you can use as a family:

Cheeky Panda Christmas Episodes: Free resources featuring cartoons, songs and Bible stories to engage children at home or in church to explore the Nativity Story: Cheeky Pandas TV – Cheeky Pandas

Advent Calendars: There are fantastic advent calendars which can help families reflect on the gratitude:

The Gift of Giving: If too young to have their own money, give a budget for presents for siblings, grandparents, aunts; encourage them to consider what the recipient enjoys and then take them shopping. Ask them to wrap and label the gifts and, most importantly, keep it a surprise! You may be surprised that come Christmas Day they are keener to give than receive.

Planning Services and outreach as a Church Community

As we approach Christmas we remember the Christmas Story which is powerful! Christmas is also a time of generosity, research has shown that people are more likely to donate to a charity at this time of year above all other.

Use Advent as an opportunity to ask. Ask congregation to reflect on what they give to the church and how they would like to continue giving. Remind them that Christian generosity is not rooted in obligation but in the deep-seated gratitude for Christ’s presence for which we are preparing.

Advent reminds us that generosity isn’t measured by the size of the gift but the heart behind it. Whether it’s sharing our time, resources, or kindness, each act reflects God’s grace.

If you host community events, such as Christmas fair, carol service, or giving tree events, ASK, but make it easy to donate. Donation stations should be easy to find and recruit volunteers to help with providing refreshments, decorating the church, to give a warm welcome, and direct people in how to donate and how the church uses the money in the Parish. If you have services ensure plenty of order of services – non regular attendees won’t know what to do as those who are familiar, make them feel included in worship not observers.

Below are the 5 top tips to remember to encourage giving at Christmas.

  1. Connect Giving to the Christmas Story: Christ’s birth is the ultimate example of God’s generosity. Relate giving to worship and gratitude for God’s gift to humanity.
  2. Be Specific and Clear in the Ask: What does your church fundraise for? What is the goal? A specific community benefit? Tell people and then make giving easy not everyone knows the church, point out specific, actionable options for donating.
  3. Leverage Social Media: Use platforms to spread the word, both about Christmas events, fundraising and progress to create excitement around giving campaigns.
  4. Lead by Example: Not just the clergy but the congregation. Everyone should be involved in providing a warm welcome to strangers in your church this Christmas. Giving generously of time and attention, making everyone feel included. Demonstrate the culture of generosity with warmth and support, inspiring others to follow suit.
  5. Show Gratitude: Thank your congregation for their generosity, for their time and for their help in this busy Christmas period.

Digital Giving

As mentioned, at this time, there will be visitors who don’t attend regularly, so make opportunities to donate as easy as possible. Contactless machines in accessible and quieter areas to prevent bottlenecks. Use Festive QR codes on order of services, or do advertise events and special advent services. These can be used on posters in and around the church to advertise events and encourage generosity.

Our Digital Advisor Eve Reader has put together a simple check list here and is on hand to help make your digital campaigns as exciting as your events this Advent, her 5 top tips are:

  1. Add a lively Christmas campaign to make your device joyful!
  2. Create a festive QR code and display on posters.
  3. Plan a Digital Giving shout-out.
  4. Move your device!
  5. Use your Christmas events!

If you need further assistance, please contact her.

Advent reminds us of the most profound act of generosity—the gift of Christ. God’s love made manifest in the form of a child, the ultimate example of sacrificial giving. When we give during Advent, we participate in the same spirit that brought Jesus into the world. As we offer love to others through generosity, we honour the incredible gift God gave us, and with this the spirit of giving and stewardship being a source of joy, growth, and connection with others – we constantly draw closer to the true meaning of Christmas.

Personal Reflection:

Consider using Advent to set an intention for your giving. Is there a specific cause, community, or individual you feel called to support? A local food bank, a friend in need, or an organization working to support families during the holidays. Advent reminds us that every gift, no matter the size, carries profound meaning when offered with a joyful heart. How might you use Advent to practice gratitude? Dedicate a week to a specific area of giving—one week focused on finances, another time, another skills. Bring your gifts to the forefront of mind and honour God by using them wisely and generously.

With family reflect on the Christmas story highlighting the giving and receiving. Let these scriptures encourage a joyful spirit of generosity.

A Prayer for Advent Stewardship, Generosity and Gratitude

A simple prayer for guidance in your giving, to start each day:

Lord, thank You for the blessings You’ve given me and the ways You provide. Help me to use these gifts wisely and share them with a joyful heart. This Advent, open my eyes to see where I’m needed, and let my giving reflect Your love. May my hands and heart be open to those around me, that Your light may shine through all I do and give. Amen.