There are three types of lay ministry in the Diocese of Southwark:
- Licensed: People recommended by the parish, selected and trained by the diocese. Their ministry is nationally recognised and transferable to another diocese should they move.
- Commissioned: People recommended by the parish and selected and trained by the diocese. Their ministries are recognised across the whole diocese should they move parishes, and increasingly in other dioceses too.
- Affirmed: People selected and trained within the local context, which is usually the parish. Affirmation is about publicly acknowledging and blessing the ministries people undertake within the parish – for example as communion assistants, welcomers, Sunday School leaders, or as part of a pastoral team. The diocese has also produced a resource, Affirmed Ministry Training, which provides details on affirmed ministry and suggestions for training.
There are so many different expressions of lay ministry. Some people serve in more traditional roles, such as Reader –someone who preaches and helps tolead worship at their church, as well asundertaking some pastoral work.
Then there are our Commissioned Pastoral Lay Ministers (CPLMs) – formerly known as Southwark Pastoral Auxiliaries (SPAs). CPLMs work with others in their congregation to offer care and support for those around them. Some give their time to local care homes for the elderly or to assist hospital chaplains. Others help to lead the pastoral team at their church. The opportunities are many.
We also now have three Licensed Pastoral Lay Ministers (LPLMs) who offer pastoral support as well as preaching and helping to lead services. Wendy Stephens, our Diocesan Lead for Pastoral Ministry, is a prison chaplain. We are really hoping to add to the number of LPLMs in the near future, so do be in contact with the team if you are interested in this. There is so much to be done.
There are also Commissioned and Licensed Pioneer Ministers who work in the community with those who are not traditional church-goers and with church communities where English is not their first language.
We very much want more people to join those who are working as affirmed, Commissioned and Licensed Lay Ministers in the diocese and to celebrate all those who are already working as lay ministers.
For further information on any of these ministries please contact: Carol Coslett: [email protected]
This blog post is adapted from an article written by The Revd Wendy Robins, Canon Chancellor & Director of Discipleship, Lay Ministry and Continuing Ministerial Education. The article can be found in the December/January 2025 issue of The Bridge.