
Fresh Expressions of Church (fxC) require us to reimagine and rethink how we connect with our parish, our community and our neighbours. Most of us need help in doing this and this page is aimed at letting you know how we can assist you with support and training.


We have two main courses that we offer, the Mission-Shaped Ministry Course and Greenhouse.

The Mission-Shaped Ministry Course looks at the general principles of fxCs and helps churches think through how this could be applied in their context. It last a year and meets monthly with a wide range of speakers and topics to help people and churches to understand what fxC are and why they are important and how to go about planning to start one.

The Greenhouse process is different in that this primarily about accompanying a team(s) from a church who are planning on starting a fxC or who have already started one and want to help it to grow. After meeting three times in the first six months they meet approximately three times a year thereafter. Normally we would expect this to last for a couple of years.

We also put on other training to do with particular aspects of fxCs. Keep an eye on the events page for upcoming details


Every month we look to bring together all those doing Pioneering around the Diocese. This is a place to encourage and support one another, share stories and look to see what we can do together to have an impact on the life of the Church. This meeting currently meets on Zoom. If you would like to join then please do contact us (details at the bottom of the page).


You may have a particular situation in your area or church that you would like advice on. We would love to help in any way we can. This might be through a conversation; pointing you in the right direction; accompanying you on your journey and so on.

Action Learning Groups

We are starting to trial Action Learning Groups made up of practitioners and people who are prepared to try new things (TNT), to encourage new ways of thinking. We hope that in time we will be able to share these ideas more widely around the Diocese.


Most of the pioneering and fxC events can be found on our events page. There is also a general events page where you can find events from all the departments.

The South London Church Fund and Southwark Diocese Board of Finance is a company limited by guarantee (No. 236594).
Registered Office: Trinity House, 4 Chapel Court, Borough High Street, London SE1 1HW. Registered Charity: (No. 249678).

© The Diocese of Southwark 2025. All rights reserved.
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