What is it?

Creationtide, also known as the Season of Creation, is the period in the annual church calendar, from 1st September to 4th October, dedicated to God as Creator and Sustainer of Life.

Many churches choose to use this time of year to hold special services and events to give thanks for God’s gift of creation, and to renew their commitment to caring for our one planet home.

The theme of Creationtide for 2024 is ‘To Hope and Act with Creation’.

What can I do?

There are many meaningful ways to participate in Creationtide, whether as an individual, a church, or a community. From simple everyday lifestyle changes to organising educational events and engaging in outdoor worship, there are numerous opportunities to praise and protect God’s creation during this season.

Here is a calendar filled with ideas to inspire you or your church to get involved in Creationtide this year: Creationtide Calendar

Further Information

Below are some links for inspiration for your Sunday services.


Hymns and Songs:


Holy Communion:



Children and Young People (CYP):

A Rocha provide several Kids and Youth Resources.

  • Please find the Kids (ages 4-7 and 7-11) resource packs here.
  • Please find the Youth (ages 11-14 and 15-18) resource packs here.

The resource topics include:

  • Session Guide
  • Worship & Teaching
  • Land
  • Buildings
  • Community & Global Engagement
  • Lifestyle

Supporting Climate Change and Justice Globally:


Christian Aid

Please find Climate Justice Faith resources here. Resources include:

  • Reflection Film
  • Prayer Wall Guide
  • Prayer from Bishop Geoff Davies, South Africa
  • Prayer activities for CYP