Disability and Access
If you are looking for help and resources on Disability and Access, please do check out our disability and access page.
Accessibility of The Diocese of Southwark website
We strive to make The Diocese of Southwark website accessible to all of our users, including those with visual impairments, hearing impairments, motor skill impairments or learning difficulties. We aim to meet the minimum criteria of the W3C Website design criteria
If you have any comments or suggestions on how to make this site more accessible, please contact us.
Changing text size
Most of the text on the Diocese of Southwark website can be resized using your browser. How to change the text size in your browser Browser:
Firefox, Mozilla, Chrome, Microsoft Edge (PC)
Press CTRL and “+” to increase the text size, CTRL and “-” to decrease the text size.
Firefox, Mozilla, Chrome, Edge (Mac)
Press CTRL and “+” to increase the text size, CTRL and “-” to decrease the text size.
Safari (Mac)
Increase or decrease the text size with “Apple” and “+” and “Apple” and “-“.
You can increase or decrease the size of both text and graphics using the numberpad “+” and “-” keys.
In Microsoft Edge it is possible for the browser to read the text on the page out to you. To do this on a PC use CTRL + SHIFT + U