The Diocesan Council of Trustees holds, through its four constituent bodies, responsibility for the policy, financial and pastoral decisions necessary to implement the vision and strategy of Diocesan Synod.
The four constituent bodies of the Diocesan Council of Trustees are:
- the Bishop’s Council
- the Diocesan Board of Finance
- the Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee
The Handbook of Governance sets out the Terms of Reference and constitutions for many of the Diocese’s governing bodies and committees, including the Diocesan Council of Trustees and its sub-committees.
These remain legally distinct bodies with identical membership. Their meetings are normally distinct but not separate.
All members, whether elected or nominated, of the Diocesan Council of Trustees are full voting members of all its constituent bodies. They engage in debate and decision from the perspective of all these bodies.
As members of the Diocesan Board of Finance, members are also Directors and Trustees. Members of the Diocesan Council of Trustees therefore have all the usual responsibilities of trustees.
As Trustees, members take responsibility for timely, accurate and local communication. They are expected to consult with and to report to deaneries and parishes by means of whose election they become members.
The Diocesan Council of Trustees normally meets five times per year. The dates for the current Triennium are:
- 21-22 February
- 19 May
- 19 July
- 22 October
- 7 December
- 23 February
- 17 May
- 19 July
- 09 October
- 06 December
- 05 March
- 16 May
- 23 July
- 12 October
- 04 December