Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
During the last year we have heard so much about the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people here in the UK and across the world. There are so many displaced, injured and vulnerable children and young people around the world. Here in the UK, too, we have children who have been traumatised by the after-effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, domestic abuse, family break ups – or simply the oppressions of contemporary society.
As a result I have chosen this verse from Matthew Chapter 19 as the theme for this year’s Lent Call:
‘Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it
is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.’
This year, we are concentrating on three projects involving children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing. In our own diocese, we are featuring Welcare’s CapeAbility schools programme, which works with children in years 3-6 at primary school. In our Link Dioceses in Zimbabwe, we are working with the Anglican Council of Churches of Zimbabwe who want to support orphans who have been harmed by their circumstances, offering psychological care and support and training for those who care for them.
In our Link Diocese of Jerusalem and the Middle East the Princess Basma Centre is working with children and young people who have been traumatised and injured by the recent hostilities between Israel and Gaza. The team there has have set up ‘satellite centres’ outside of their Centre in Jerusalem to help those who are most in need. In addition to the usual project sheets, this year we are also offering some more information about displaced children and young people and their needs worldwide, as well as prayer ideas for you to use during Lent and beyond. You’ll also be able to watch stories direct from our partners and hear about their work in videos that will be shared on our Youtube channel.
I hope that you will encourage your congregations to observe this Lent in a prayerful way so that it deepens faith and refreshes the soul. Lent is a time for us all to focus on all that God has done for us and to pray for guidance as we consider what we should doin response to God’s incredible generosity. Please do think and pray about these Lent projects, encourage your congregations and schools to do the same and to consider what they might give to ensure that this vital frontline work can continue.
Once again, the Lent Call materials will all be online in a format that you can download and print for your church and school. Please also direct people to our website ( so that people can explore the materials for themselves, as well as find out how to give. There will also be worship and project materials for our schools – which can work for children’s groups in parish, too.
I very much hope that our Lent Call will offer a time and opportunity for all of us to pray for young people who are in need, to reflect on their situations and to give whatever we can to support their wellbeing. Details of how to give financially can be found on our website.
Please display and use these materials and encourage those in your churches to pray and to give as part of their Lenten discipline. I hope and pray that, by using the relevant project sheet and by praying each day week they will find new understandings of the plight of many children and young people in our world today and be able to consider their response.
With my thanks and prayers for all that you do and for our partnership in the Gospel,
The Bishop of Southwark, The Rt Revd Christopher Chessun