Dear Prime Minister-designate,

Warm greetings from St Alfege Church, Greenwich and the Diocese of Southwark and congratulations on your election as leader of the Conservative Party.

As the vicar of your local C of E parish – where you were married – and Area Bishop of Woolwich, we are delighted that one of our Greenwich residents is to become the next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. You follow in a long line of Greenwich people who have made their mark on Britain and the world.

We want you to know that at St Alfege we pray daily for our government and all those of you who hold leadership responsibilities in our nation and borough.

At our recent Southwark Diocese ministry conference attended by hundreds of lay and clergy leaders from our 293 parishes and chaplaincies, we were especially encouraged to pray for you and your new administration. We also convey the congratulations and warm greetings of Bishops Christopher (Southwark), Rosemarie (Croydon) and Richard (Kingston). Our bishops would value the opportunity to meet with you whenever you can find time in your busy schedule.

We enclose a holding cross, created from olive wood by a Palestinian Christian craftsman in Bethlehem. At St Alfege we give one of these tactile holding crosses to our members taking new steps or challenges in life.

As you take up your new challenge we offer it as a gift and tangible reminder that we are loved and held in the palm of God’s hand and that you are being held in prayer by Christians across the country and here in your local parish.

May you know God’s blessing, and receive wisdom and grace for all that lies ahead.

With best wishes, warmly in Christ

Rt Revd Dr Karowei Dorgu, Bishop of Woolwich
Revd Simon Winn, Vicar of St Alfege Church

The holding cross (pictured below, held by Revd Simon Winn) is available from Bethlehem Bible College’s online gift shop.