
This year’s theme for Thy Kingdom Come is ‘Light up the world in prayer.’

Each day between Ascension and Pentecost (9 – 19 May 2024) Christians around the world are invited to unite in daily prayer to pray for more people to come to know Jesus. 

During Thy Kingdom Come we are called to pray as the disciples did during traditional times of prayer in Acts 1 and 2.

On Pentecost Sunday TKC are encouraging young Christians and youth groups to gather in the evening to join in a time of prayer and worship – including a time of saying The PrayerThe Lord’s Prayer together. Archbishop Justin and Archbishop Stephen will both be attending youth gatherings on Pentecost Sunday.

Find out more on the Thy Kingdom Come website  


“In praying ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ we all commit to playing our part in the renewal of the nations and the transformation of communities.”

Archbishop Justin Welby

Download a letter from Bishop Christopher here.

There are lots of resources to support you  

  • The Novenas written by Bishop Anthony Poggo, General Secretary of the Anglican Communion and is based on the Book of Revelation. 
  • The Prayer Journal is pocket-sized journal explores and encourages different styles of prayer from across different denominations and traditions. From Ignatian prayer to prayer walking, contemplative prayer to praying using art. This year’s journal features prayer station artwork by the Revd Chris Duffett, Baptist minister and former president of the Baptist Union of Great Britain, and these are also available to buy as postcards.  
  • A Workplace Prayer Diary created by Transform Work is available to help workplace prayer groups join in with TKC in the workplace. 
  • Children and young people will be able to join in TKC by using a selection of postcards which includes Cheeky Pandas and Jesus Storybook Bible featuring high profile Christians helping to tell the Jesus story, The Way – a series of digital videos exploring ‘Living for God’ and The Prayer.  


Small grants of up to £100 are also available for parishes wishing to celebrate Thy Kingdom Come, for example to cover the cost of setting up a prayer station or for printing costs. Download and fill in the application form below, adding a brief description of how the money will be used.

Download TKC grant application form


There are also resources available for people in your parish available to collect from Trinity House:  

  • Hidden church  
  • Everyday faith  
  • Prayers for workplace

Resources for children, young people and families

We have a number of resources available to engage children and young people and you may wish to borrow resources from our Resource Library.

Prayer space kits are available to borrow by contacting [email protected] at Trinity House. These contain a range of items for decorating prayer spaces and ideas for engaging in prayerful activities.

Prayer Journal

‘Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.’ 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NRSV

Day 1: Ascension Day

‘… What I have found essential is an attitude in every way of praying: open hands ready to receive and an honest heart – never hiding anything.’

Who: The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby

Read: ‘Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.’ Psalm 62:8

Prayer Practice: If you want to hear from God read the Bible, if you want to deepen your faith pray through the Bible. Read a passage of scripture – as it’s Ascension Day maybe use Luke 24: 36-53. Pray yourself into this; where are you in this story and how does this inform what you pray for your five friends? In your prayer allow scripture to give you a new vision of who God is.

Watch this video from Archbishop Justin Welby

Pause and Pray: Ask God to help the five people you are praying for to open their hearts and hands to receive His love through hearing His voice.

Day 2: The God who loves

‘A characteristic of Ignatian prayer is that at the start we are invited to ask for a grace, a gift from God. Today you are invited to ask for an intimate knowledge of the many blessings you have received; so that, filled with gratitude for all, you may in all things love and serve God.’

Who: Sr MaryAnne Francalanza FCJ*

Read: ‘Abide in me as I abide in you.’ John 15:4

Prayer Practice: Ignatian Spirituality

Watch this video from Sister MaryAnne

Pause and Pray: As you hold in God’s presence the five people you are praying for, ask that they will know God’s abundant love for them, so that filled with gratitude, they may love God in return.

Day 3: The God who speaks

‘… when we are looking at the icons, we are not just looking at the person depicted in the icon; but, through him or her, into the person of Christ.’

Who: His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos Coptic Orthodox Archbishop of London & Papal Legate to the United Kingdom

Read: ‘… it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me.’ Galatians 2:20

Prayer Practice: Praying with icons

Watch this video from Archbishop Angaelos

Pause and Pray: Find an icon of Jesus online, or pause the video at 1.46/47 minutes. Look at it for a while, and ask God to show you Jesus more clearly through it. Ask God to show Himself to your five people in the way that is most helpful for each of them

Day 4: The God who creates

‘I love to paint. For me, it’s time to connect with God and to worship Him. For me, painting and prayer are intertwined, and my paintbrushes become tools of intercession or exuberant praise, as I spend time giving to God the things that burden me or fill me with joy.’

Who: Revd Chris Duffett Artist, Creative Evangelist & Principal of the Light College and Collective

Read: ‘O Lord, you have searched me and known me… Even before a word is on my tongue, O Lord, You know it completely.’ Psalm 139:1 & 4

Prayer Practice: Art and Journalling

Watch this video from Revd Chris Duffett

Pause and Pray: Why not try drawing and/or writing your prayers for your five people? What is the Lord saying? What scriptures come to mind?

Day 5: The God who gives

‘When I was first ill, in those early days, all I could feel was the loss. Each day was the same, staring at the blank walls all day, and one type of prayer that helped was thanksgiving prayer.’

Who: Tanya Marlow Writer, Broadcaster & Lecturer in Pastoral Theology

Read: ‘O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever.’ Psalm 136:1

Prayer Practice: Thanksgiving

Watch this video from Tanya Marlow

Pause and Pray: Give thanks to God for all of the good things you see in each of your five people. If you sense God speaking with you as you pray, write down what He says.

Day 6: The God who walks with us

‘As we walk, we are praying that the presence of God is known in the places where we are walking and praying. Being physically present amplifies a sense of connection to both God and the places and people we are praying for and can take our prayers to a whole new level.’

Who: Sammy Jordan Director of Hope For Every Home, Hope Together

Read: ‘But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.’ Jeremiah 29:7

Prayer Practice: Prayer Walking / Pilgrimage

Watch this video from Sammy Jordan

Pause and Pray: As you prayer walk through your local area, why not pray for your five people that they may encounter God in their own journeys

Day 7: The God who listens

‘King David in the Old Testament wrote many of the Psalms, where the full dynamic of human expression is written to melody. We too can sing our prayers of praise, declaration, of petition and lamentation’.

Who: Noel Robinson Musician, Songwriter and Worship Leader

Read: ‘Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God.’ Colossians 3:16

Prayer Practice: Praying through song

Watch this video from Noel Robinson

Pause and Pray: As you keep your five people in mind, why not sing your prayers for them? You could use a song you know or just sing out your thoughts and hopes for them

Day 8: The God who saves

‘You may have prayed for a very long time but continue to pray for your loved ones. That wherever they are, the Lord will open their eyes and hearts to the truth and they will come home.’

Who: Revd Betty King BKIM Ministries & Truthvine Church

Read: ‘But while he was still far off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion; he ran and put his arms around him and kissed him. Then the son said to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.” But the father said to his slaves, “Quickly, bring out a robe—the best one—and put it on him; put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet.”’ Luke 15: 20-22

Prayer Practice: Contending in prayer

Watch this video from Revd Betty King

Pause and Pray: As you pray for your five people today, maybe once, maybe at regular intervals, remember that God is a good father, one who hears and answers prayer. He will never leave us nor forsake us.

Day 9: The God who challenges & encourages

‘I find my own prayer really is very simple. I use whatever scripture there is for the day. I just read it through quietly, pick out one or two phrases… and hold them as a way of speaking to God or as a way of imagining God is speaking to me.’

Who: Father Nicolas Stebbing Mirfield Community of the Resurrection

Read: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. Matthew 6:9-13

Prayer Practice: Contemplative prayer

Watch this video from Father Nicolas Stebbing

Pause and Pray: Pray quietly through the Lord’s Prayer, praying for yourself and for your five people with each phrase. What comes to mind

Day 10: The God who empowers

‘This is our routine, before bedtime we sit together as a family, light a candle, pray and sing some hymns and songs. If the little one says just one or two words – “thank you” – then that was it, that was their prayer.’

Who: Raheela Irfan & Revd Irfan John Synod Enabler for Culturally Diverse Congregations (Wales), Methodist Church of Great Britain

Read: ‘… but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.’ Joshua 24:15c

Prayer Practice: Praying as a household.

Watch this video from Revd Irfan and Raheela

Pause and Pray: As a household or with a group of friends, why not read a passage of scripture, discuss and then pray together? If you wanted, you could also spend some time praying for your five, inviting each person to say one simple sentence?

Day 11: Pentecost

‘Fan into flame the gifts of the Holy Spirit! Use them to build up everyone else! The least, greatest, youngest and oldest can all do this and the church will grow in love. Expect prophecies, healings and other miracles whenever you meet – then on the streets and by sick beds. See the Kingdom of God come.’

Who: Jackie Pullinger MBE Founder of St Stephen’s Society

Read: ‘When you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. Let all things be done for building up.’ 1 Corinthians 14:26

Prayer Practice: Ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Watch this video from Jackie Pullinger

Pause and Pray: Pray for the supernatural gifts of the Spirit and commit today, to be faithful and bold in using these gifts to bless others, so that the church may be built up as the Holy Spirit moves in power.

Thy Kingdom Come 2023

See last year’s Thy Kingdom Come resources

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Registered Office: Trinity House, 4 Chapel Court, Borough High Street, London SE1 1HW. Registered Charity: (No. 249678).

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