Last year we had a wonderful response to our giving £250 to start or restart a fresh expression or new worshipping community post pandemic. As a result, we will be publishing a series of stories via the Diocese twitter (X) account through the autumn leading up to our mixed ecology conference on the 25 November (see for details)
Given this success we would like to repeat it this year (but increase the amount to £500) and encourage our parishes by giving grants this autumn to start/ grow or restart a fresh expression of Church or new worshipping community. As we are wanting to encourage lay leaders in the Diocese then we are asking for lay led initiatives to start with through to the end of October.
We want to make this as easy as possible for you and so all we are asking for is an email ([email protected]) with contact details, a short description (no more than a paragraph or two and no need for a detailed breakdown of costs) of what it is that you are starting, growing or restarting and a commitment to send us a short write-up about it and pictures of it after you have received the money so that we can share it on social media. It is really is as simple as that!
Of course, this doesn’t stop you applying for a fresh expression grant of up to £5,000 that we can give out (you can find details on the Grants page of the website – )
If you have any questions then please do contact us – [email protected]