May is a busy month for the environment, with a wide range of events and activities coming up. For a start, this is National Walking Month and all over the country people are committing to walk more for the benefit of the environment, our health, and our neighbourhoods. Children can be inspired by Walk to School Week from 17th to 21st May, and I can confirm from personal experience that participation can be life-changing!
When we moved house some years ago, school was suddenly a half-hour walk instead of round the corner. We kept running late and jumping in the car . . . but Walk to School Week gave us the focus we needed to commit to a new schedule. We were reminded of the joy of walking (and scooting and biking) and talking and being outdoors, to the extent that we haven’t driven to school in years now!
On Thursday 6th May, Churches Together in South London are hosting a Big Gathering to discuss what we can do as Christians to protect God’s Creation in 2021. The online event will offer tangible actions and usable resources to empower us all to make a difference in this exciting year for changing the climate trajectory and supporting our neighbours around the world.
Southwark Diocese is holding an online webinar in the evening of 11th May, exploring Creation Care for Individuals and Households. All are welcome!
Churches who have achieved their Bronze Eco Church award will be interested in this event on Saturday 8th May, exploring how to go beyond bronze! The event is hosted by Eco Church South East and is open to people all over the country.
On May 17th Operation Noah launches the next global divestment announcement for faith organisations. Churches are invited to commit to divesting any investments in fossil fuel companies within a five-year timeframe and pledge not to invest in fossil fuels in the future. Even if your church doesn’t currently hold any fossil fuel investments (for instance if it only has a bank account), it can make a powerful statement by pledging not to invest in fossil fuels in the future, so do get in touch with Bokani Tshidzu for further information.
Looking ahead to next month, in June global leaders will gather in Cornwall at the significant G7 forum. Ahead of this important event, Christian Aid invites us to send a postcard to the Prime Minister as part of their climate justice campaign. If you’d prefer an artistic project for the G7, Tearfund are inviting us to fill our windows with homemade paper hands in a Wave of Hope.
June is also the month of Churches Count on Nature, a week-long event from 5th – 13th June, which aims to brings local people together to discover the wildlife in their church yard and record the species they find. The week culminates in an online Eco Church Festival on Saturday 12th June, featuring interactive workshops and panels, and events for children and young people.
As always, the last Monday of the month, 24th May, is Southwark Diocese’s monthly Eco Church Surgery, an informal drop-in session for anyone with in interest in Eco Church or environmental action.
If you’re looking for more environmental resources for churches and individuals, have a look at the dedicated environment section of our website where we’ve put together information to help support you in taking action.