
Image of Christ breaking bread with disciples on the road to Emmaus. Ceri Richards, The Supper at Emmaus, Methodist Collection of Modern Art - used with permission.

Southwark is a diverse and vibrant Diocese in so many ways, from the energy of the inner city to the beauty of the Surrey Hills. We are one of the largest Dioceses in the Church of England, serving the people of South London and East Surrey. We take joy in the distinctiveness and variety of God’s gifts and people. You will find churches that offer welcome, care and dignity in Christ’s name to their parishes; chaplains walking along side those in education, hospitals, and prison; and pioneering communities seeking to reach out and serve in new ways.

Our vision is founded on mutual commitment,  speaking well of one another and walking together in the pilgrimage of faith. Supporting, encouraging, and resourcing each other in our common task, we seek to be a Diocese that is Christ centred and outward focused.

Southwark Vision 2024-2035 is Christ Centred, Outward Focused. This next evolution of our vision comes as we continue to walk together, discerning God’s wisdom and guidance in our shared pilgrimage of faith. Keeping Christ as our centre and the focus of unity, we will continue to turn outwards – seeking to support, encourage, resource and learn from one another as we serve our parishes and God’s world.

Church is formed when people gather around the person of Jesus Christ, drawn to worship him and join in his work as he meets human hurts and hopes. Jesus walks with us and is also waiting for us in places of mission, healing, reconciliation, learning and worship. To be Christ centred means to be aware that we always need to be discerning Christ’s presence in our context, seeking to be attentive to his work and his calling, trusting him to be present with us. We are called to be attentive and genuinely open to the new mission and future to which God beckons us. We are called to listen to God in scripture, as well as to the movement of the Holy Spirit, to those outside and within the Church to guide us. When Christ is at the heart of our life together, our hope is continually renewed, our vision restored and we find ourselves re-orientated towards the people and the world that God loves.

Thank you for your partnership in this work – be assured of my prayers for – and commitment to – the flourishing of each of our parishes,

The Rt Revd Christopher Chessun, Bishop of Southwark

Diocese of Southwark’s Anti-Racism Charter

The Diocese of Southwark’s Anti-Racism Charter was approved by Diocesan Synod on 13 March 2021.

The key principles of the Charter are:

  • an explicit theological understanding that God’s kingdom is multi-ethnic, and that it is through our baptismal covenant that we recognise and respect the dignity of every human being and our unity in Christ
  • an intentional focus in our theological studies, liturgy, teaching, prayer, word and work to take strategic and practical actions to combat racism and inequality
  • a clear strategy for increasing and sustaining diversity in our governance structures at Diocesan and parish level so as to ensure representation and participation of people from diverse ethnic backgrounds at all levels of our organisation.

Southwark Anti-Racism Charter (.pdf, 285kb)

The South London Church Fund and Southwark Diocese Board of Finance is a company limited by guarantee (No. 236594).
Registered Office: Trinity House, 4 Chapel Court, Borough High Street, London SE1 1HW. Registered Charity: (No. 249678).

© The Diocese of Southwark 2025. All rights reserved.
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