The Energy Footprint Tool (EFT) is now open for churches to submit their 2024 energy bill data via the Parish Returns website until the tool closes on the 30th June 2025.

The EFT is an user-friendly tool that calculates your churches carbon footprint and provides vital baseline information for work towards Net Zero Carbon.


Why the tool is important

With 2024 being the hottest year on record, our work towards safeguarding creation and cutting our carbon emissions is more urgent than ever. The EFT helps you understand your own energy usage better, and is our main source of data for building both a Diocesan and national picture.

Completing the tool will also mean you may also be eligible for grants to kickstart your net zero projects. It should take less than an hour and can be done by Treasurers, Churchwardens, Office Managers, or anyone who has access to the bills.


We do you need to get started?

Simply gather your utility bills for 2024 for all your church or Parish buildings and input these into the online survey – this includes your electricity, gas, oil or whatever other fuel you may use. If you have solar panels, find information on their generation over the preceding year.

Before you start collecting energy use data for your buildings, you need to determine whether a building is ‘in scope’. This online building scope checker tool will help you work this out. But essentially, if a building is not owned by the Church of England then you do not need to report on the building.



Once you have entered all the data, you will immediately receive a report and results on your computer or smartphone. This includes the church’s carbon footprint in CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) and how this has changed in recent years. Be sure to still press ‘submit’ for your entry to be finalised and submitted!



Energy Footprint Tool Training Sessions

If you would like more support in filling out the Energy Footprint Tool, sign up to a training session run by our Diocesan Environment Officer, Sophie Roberts, on Wednesday 12th March.

To book, email [email protected] and choose between the following times.

  • 12:00–13:00 (lunchtime session)
  • 18:30–19:30 (evening session)

For further advice, see the Church of England guidance page or reach out to our Diocesan Environment Officer: [email protected].